Try This Different Way Of Using A Foam Roller To Stretch The Hip Flexors

hip hips mobility stretch stretching warm-up Feb 10, 2023

The hip flexors are a muscle group that can get overworked and can be notoriously tight and painful in jiu-jitsu practitioners and in anyone that sits a lot throughout the day. There are numerous ways to stretch the hip flexors, and this technique uses the extension of the hip by using the foam roller to stretch the hip flexor instead of the traditional lunge technique where the leg is stationary and the body lunges forward. This is just a different way to elicit a stretch than the traditional means of stretching the hip flexor. This technique also requires increased control of the hip and leg to provide a comfortable and appropriate stretch. I'm always trying to learn and explore new ways to get the most out of my body and to help preserve the body to allow for high level function and performance.

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