This Quick Mobility Sequence Is One Of The Best For BJJ

hip hips mobility movement range of motion stretch warm-up Feb 10, 2023

This is one of my absolute favorite sequences for warming up my arms, shoulders, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and the legs. Its quick, easy, and useful. One of the keys to this warm up is the weight-bearing component of this sequence. You are getting into a quadruped position (on all fours) and loading (applying pressure to) the shoulders and legs. This loading stimulates the muscles to fire and activate to maintain your body off the mat which in turn gets the muscles working and the blood flowing in those joints and muscles. You start slowly and gradually increase range of motion in both the "upward dog" and "downward dog" positions which will warm up and dynamically stretch the muscles. Perform this for repetitions or time. I like to do about 10 repetitions for 5-10 second holds or 1-2 minutes. A nice addition is to pump the ankles in order to stretch the calves when in the "downward dog" position.

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