Improve Your Sweeps For BJJ With This Exercise

hip hips mobility movement strengthening warm-up Feb 10, 2023

Do you have difficulty getting underneath your opponent or pulling your opponent on top of you to get the sweep? This exercise is not only a great way to strengthen your hips and ankles, but is also a useful way to build musce memory in the legs in order to be more effective and achieve greater success with the sweep. You use a theraband around your feet and start in a "90-90" position with the hips, knees, and ankles at a 90 degree angle. Then apply a gentle tension against the band. Work your legs forward and back, eventually start to move the legs in different directions maintaining those "active feet." This exercise will: 1. Actively warm up the legs to prevent injury. 2. Build strength and endurance in the legs. 3. Promote muscle memory for a higher percentage sweep from bottom.

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